Hot, Hot, Heat!

Dress: Vintage (20.00)
Belt: UO bargain basement (9.99)
Shoes: Thrifted
It was another brutally hot day here, not exactly a good day for polyester. I ended up truly regretting this fashion choice for today, by 11:00 am I felt like I was uncased in a prison of man-made materials! Blagh. I love this dress though, the squiggle pattern reminds me of a drawing, so it's kind of like wearing art. It used to be much longer, but the great thing about polyester is that it doesn't fray, so instead of hemming you can just cut it off (I've found hemming polyester to be truly a nightmare)!
I've felt so bad for my two kitties this week, the weather has been insanely hot and we don't have AC. How awful must it be to be covered in fur in the summer time? I found little Zebediah zonked out in my studio this morning, on top of a pile of soon-to-be-altered clothes. He looked pretty cozy, but he soon retreated to the cool of the bathroom tiles in order to escape the oppressive heat of our apartment.
