What a busy weekend! Let's get to it...

Sunnies: Betsy Johnson (15.00)
Tie: Borrowed from Chris
Cardigan: H&M (15.00)
Oxford: J.Crew (15.00)
Sailor Shorts: J.Crew (19.00)
Ballet Flats: DIY'd by me!
Today I was inspired by boys school uniforms, and I must say that I felt pretty snazzy! I kept it simple, because I wanted to show off my new studded ballet slippers! I posted about these last week, and soon after I was gifted a very large bag of metal studs! Many thanks to Chicken Dinner Candybar who directed me to a tutorial on her site! They were super easy and only took about 1 h. Chris had the brilliant idea to put studs up the back, which I think balance them out nicely. The best part about them? They cost nothing!
Over The Weekend...

I mentioned last week that I collected vintage bicycles- here is one of my faves: a Schwinn 'Fiesta' circa 1960. Love!

I had such a wonderful and busy weekend! I had Friday off and spent some quality time with my two kitties, Zephyr and Zebadiah. The weather was pretty stormy- there was even a tornado! in Massachusetts!- so I spent most of the day photographing clothes for my Etsy and doing house things. The rest of the weekend consisted of planning for the next gallery show we're hosting (more info to come), riding bikes to the beach and all over town, visiting with friends in Gloucester and making curry, going to Newburyport and watching the craziest fireworks ever and eating gelato (I had tiramisu), Going to Todd Farm Flea and finding the best stuff ever (I'll post more about it this week!), finding a hot air balloon at the park with Chris (I wish we could have gone on a ride!), watching Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade at the Outdoor Sunday Cinema, and spending the last couple of Sunday hours watching Coraline with more friends! Whew! It was a little hard to transition to Monday after all that, work was especially unwelcome today as I have been in the process of moving my office. No fun. It had to be done though.
What did you do this weekend?