Hello, I'm Julie! I've made my way from Maine to Boston to Pittsburgh to Philly... and back again, and blogged about it along the way. Currently: Portland, ME. Check out my About page or F.A.Q. below to learn more about me. Thanks for reading!
You guys. This week. It took it out of me. Moving is tough. Case in point: I just googled "moving is hard" just to feel some sympathy. I know my posts here have been infrequent and kvetch-y lately, as much as Chris and I are so excited about what's to come, the process has kicked our ass. It's never easy. In fact, I just read that moving is a trauma, and that's what it feels like. I've officially entered the crazy phase where I fantasize about sleeping (just, sleeping. Likw, even a little) and order dresses to be delivered at our new address so I have something to look forward to (a genius idea, if I do say so myself), among many, many other weird habits that have come out of the shadows. BUT! One week! I do have plans to write about our "why" behind all of this, because for once in our lives, we're not moving for a job. So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed to actually find some time this week for this here blog. For now, I'm watching Will & Grace (Grace almost moves to Brooklyn! So scandalous!) and sipping Reishi Hot Cacao in an effort to just chill. XO
Design Sponge put together an incredible resource for how to help victims of the recent weather and environmental tragedies