A few 'grams from the past couple of weeks (username: OrchidGrey).
Top row: Working form home, two fluffy distractions while I work from home, raspberry's allthetime
Middle Row: AM bird watching, a vintage book, cocktails and pierogies at Kelley's
Bottom row: Organic fireworks, an impulse purchase, AM shadow fun with my sweatshirt string
Currently, I am:
After finishing Devil in the White City by Eric Larson, I've moved on to The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides. While I thought Devil in the White City contained interesting facts, it wasn't what I expected it to be. It felt as if, for the first three quarters of the book, I was reading a list of historical information, with the final quarter containing a brief climax of information about the serial killer H.H. Holmes (the real reason I picked up the book, what is it with serial killers?). As far as The Marriage Plot goes, I haven't formed an opinion yet. Right now I find the characters a little irritating an unrelatable (and I usually love reading about characters whom I cannot relate to). We'll see.
Law and Order SVU. It's on Netflix Instant right now, and I plan on watching as much Elliot Stabler as I possibly can. We don't have cable, so I'm at the mercy of whatever is available on Netflix Instant, which I am not complaining about.
The most epic weekend is upon us. And I don't typically stoop to using the word "epic". But man, this is going to be a good one! Tomorrow night we're headed to the Pittsburgh Motor Speedway to watch monster trucks, and on Sunday we're going to a Pirates game. I. AM. SO. EXCITED.
Too much unhealthy food! It seems I work in doughnut central, and today I experienced a red velvet doughnut. Oh. Man. So good! I can only anticipate the junk food trend to continue into the weekend. What else would you expect for a monster truck rally and baseball game?
I am loving this patterned wrap skirt from Lulu's . It would be the perfect thing to throw on after a day at the beach.
These are the perfect dressy/casual sandals from Spotted Moth.
This sheer floral dress from Bluesville, USA would look awesome layered over black underthings.
Have a great weekend!