Tshirt: J.Crew Outlet ($6 sale)
Jeans: H&M (old)
Belt: Vintage (gift)
Sandals: c/o PacSun
Hat: Brixton ($28)
Photos: Chris
A pretty basic outfit for a freaking awesome afternoon. Sunday was good, hung out with friends in a backyard (a rare find in our fair city), ate tacos and found Mexican Coca-Cola made with real sugar, and finished the day by heading down to the park to watch Arachnophobia. Despite the steamy temperature, I chose to wear a rare pair of jeans with my new classic white t-shirt. I felt very all-american with my straw hat, rolled jeans, and Coke. I ended up being very glad I wore the jeans too, it gets buggy at the park after dark and the movie didn't finish until 10. Did you know Arachnophobia was the first scary movie I saw in the theatre? Yeah, it scarred me for life! Growing up we always had huge spiders in the barn, and watching this movie as a child really did not help my fear of them. But this time around I was able to appreciate the kitsch factor a little more, John Goodman is amazing in it, and by amazing I mean completely ridiculous. In that second photo you can see the half-shell they project the movie into.
Do you know that you can occasionally find Coca-Cola made with real sugar or cane sugar? It's most available during Jewish holidays and at authentic taco stands, and it is amazing. It tastes totally different. Classic Coca-Cola and Cherry Coke are my kryptonite, second only to gummy candy as one of my vices. Despite all my healthy eating and exercising, I can not give it up (though I do only partake once or twice a month for moderation's sake).
On the left is my Coke and on the right is Chris's "Coke"
(can wraps are awesome)
Do you have a favorite candy or drink that you simply can't give up?
Edit: A big thank you to Abby who left this info in the comments: "Coke uses real sugar only during the Jewish holiday of Passover - it's because during Passover, Jews can't eat anything that is leavened (i.e. bread, grains, etc.). Corn is included in this do-not-eat-list, so the usual corn syrup in Coke is omitted and replaced with real sugar."