It was lightly misting as I took my daily photos this morning...Perfect weather!
Silk Blouse: Thrifted (1.99)
Bomb-ass Necklace: H&M (19.90)
Jeans: H&M
Flats: Mia
Chris and I took a quick trip to Salvation Army yesterday. I absolutely love going there mid-week, it's like all the best stuff is just waiting for me to find it! Among my winnings is the silk top I'm wearing above, two skirts for early fall/winter, and a pair of brand new Sam Edelman kitten heels! The "Sallies" that is closest to us is HUGE but gets picked over pretty quickly, hands down my favorite thrifting (outside of Austin, TX- vintage capitol if the world) is in Maine. No one in the "Pine Tree State" seems to realize the gems they harbor in their attics and closets! We spent so much time there yesterday, it got so late that we couldn't do any more of our errands! Whoops!
In other news, Chris and I have been doing some may-jah rearranging of furniture in the past few days. I'm hoping that eventually our apartment will look socially acceptable enough to actually share pictures of it here. My mom is coming with a new couch this weekend and I'm super excited!
This week's Coveting post is dedicated to one thing:

I have the worst time finding jeans. It's gotten so bad that I now only wear pants once or twice a week. They always seem to bunch around the knees, inch slowly down my hips, and generally make me miserable. I tried this pair on at the UO in Harvard Square last week, and they seemed pretty perfect. I'm thinking I might make the investment. I don't know if I can justify $58 on pants though- especially if they end up closeted forever like all my other unfortunate pairs. Have you had any luck with specific brands of denim? If so, please share!