You guys, I'm having a serious flashback moment right now. I'm sitting in Atomic Cafe in Beverly, writing on this blog, with the best latte I've had in what seems forever sitting in front of me. For those just tuning in, Chris and I used to live in Beverly, MA (where I started writing on Orchid Grey while working as a college admissions counselor), I'm back in the area for part of the weekend after spending Thanksgiving at my grandparent's in Cape Cod. All of this information is probably pretty unremarkable to you, but for me, it's amazing to think of what transpired for us to get to this point. Three or four months ago, the thought of living in New England again felt like a pipe dream. Something nice to think about but generally out of reach and/or unattainable. But here I am. The past two months haven't been without their bumps and bouts of severe loneliness (I was prepared to feel lonely, I left behind two of the best friends I've made in years and moved quite literally to the top of a remote mountain 40 minutes away from anything). I'll admit to searching Craigslist daily for apartments and dreaming hardcore about the moment we finally move to Portland, but also holy shit, we're here. It's surreal.
We haven't gotten out of our general area as much as I would like to as of late, but I'm hoping that will begin to change as our weekends get freed up and as the hustle of the holidays draws closer. We did a bit of holiday shopping this weekend, and it was great to see so many out for Small Business Saturday. Back on he subject of apartments, I can't, can't wait to get ourselves set up in our own place again! Walking around Salem today there were so many cute home goods shops and I couldn't help but make a mental list of what I'd like to get. Anyway... sharing a few of my picks for online small businesses, many of which are offering up some great deals for the weekend, along with some links as well. Enjoy your weekend! xo
Jess Amity just put a ton of stuff on sale - I'd definitely scoop up this vintage dress to wear to holiday parties this season.
Drifter Organics is having a 20% off sale. I love the products made by Micaela and her mom, especially for winter. The body butters are wonderful and work great for dry skin and for those with eczema (like meeeee).
Maybe it's because of how busy I've been, but I really haven't feeling much of the holiday spirit. These 16 holiday drink ideas might change that though... is having a big sale - they make my favorite planner
Are you on Snapchat? I don't use mine AT ALL because IG is so much easier. Apparently, I'm not the only one
We did not get out shit together to take a holiday photo this year so I've been scoping out holiday cards. I'm really into this one (and it looks like the whole shop is on sale)
My full-time gig is having a big sale, too! I swear by this product.