Happy April, fools! ...See what I did there? Impressed? No? Ok... It's a new month and I'm excited. And it's the weekend and I'm excited. I just finished up 31 days of yoga (I'm a day off) and I'm feeling goooood and ready to take on a new month, even if it means having to finish my taxes. Ugh. To be honest, despite my good feelings today, this week was rough one to get through. Lots of rain and trains and commuting and cold weather. And sleep anxiety! So this weekend I'm vowing to take care of all the things keeping me up at night so I can start this month off right. I have a lot to look forward to: we're taking our first trip home of the year to see family -- I can't believe we haven't seen them since September! -- and there's some exciting stuff happening at work. I typically avoid going up north this time of year, because while Philly is just warming up, New England is still in the depths of winter, and it's no different this year. Even worse - they're currently getting hammered with snow. BUT I'm determined to make the most of it and am looking forward to getting some use out of my much-neglected snowshoes.
Have a happy weekend - here's a few of my favorites from around the web this week:
beautiful vintage bag would be perfect for summer
I've been hunting for the perfect linen duvet cover for summer --
and I found it!
How to be an ally - important and wonderful
mismatched earrings would make a great gift
Growing up on
30 minute meals - loved this perspective
Pretty accessories for spring and summer
On my
book list for spring (and
another book on my list)
prettiest bikini - I need a new bathing suit and I'm stressed out about it
Appraising the
Brady Bunch's art collection - so good
The most
adorable bag for spring
Finding balance in
social media
Pretty much obsessed with these
minimalist overalls
DIY apple cider vinegar toner
Beautiful shoes - love those palm leaf slides
Are you super busy? Me too.
Read this.
For the
prettiest witch
Because internet privacy is on the line -
how (and why) to set a VPN in 10 minutes for free
For the
wild women out there