For Them: Hello Print: The Big Harumph
Another year, another Valentines day of unrealized projects. I swear, I had DIY's planned! We were gonna make stuff! It was gonna be awesome! Oh well, maybe next time.
I know people have varying opinions about Valentines day, but I've grown to like it over the years. I think it's a nice reminder to take some time- in the middle of cold, dark, seasonally depressing winter- to show the ones around us that we love them. Whether you have a significant other or not, it's not a bad thing to show a little love to your family, friends, coworkers, cats, whathaveyou.
Above are a few gift ideas, but you certainly don't need to spend money to show your feelings. Make something! Write a letter! Bake! I'm sure most of these gifts seem really cliche, you're probably thinking: Cologne? Jewelry? Lingerie for christsakes? But these are all items that you (I) might not purchase for my/yourself.
What are you doing for Valentines day? Any Special plans? Do you like to celebrate it, or forget about it?