Rooftop! Bangarang!
Top: Thrift (1.99)
Necklace: F21 (12.99)
Jeans: BDG (gift)
Shoes: F21 (13.99 sale)
I know, I know, my shirt is mega-wrinkly. Don't judge me too harshly.
I've basically been living out of my hamper for the past six days. Gross, I know.
As I mentioned earlier today, I'm sorry for basically falling off the map for a few days. I assure you, I am not guilty of being lazy, the past few days have been some of the busiest I've had in quite some time! So busy in fact that I've decided to break my post up in two sections. Today I'm showing you the human aspect of my weekend...
Sunday was much more relaxing, we spent some time at the ocean, where we were apparently lucky to even get onto the beach! I guess with the hurricanes and everything, the beaches have been too intense. Even our little cove- which is normally dead calm- had turned into something out of Moby Dick! Later on we went out with Bea and Dan for seafood at the Lobster Shanty on Salem. I felt I deserved a lobster roll after all I had done over the past several days! Chris and I have been camping in the living room because our bedroom is so full of stuff, last night we watched the first disk of Season 2 Gossip Girl!
Tomorrow, I'll show you the process behind hosting an apartment-based gallery exhibition!
I hope you all had lovely weekends!