Necklace: F21 (12.00)
Shirt: Stolen from Boyfriend
Jeans: BGD gift from Boyfriend
Flats: Nine West via Marshalls (20.00)

I'm very proud of my braid today.
Today felt very much like a Monday. I'm running on very little sleep right now due to a very ill behaved kitty who got into a lot of trouble last night. Zephyr seems to go through these bouts of restlessness that can only be cured by snooping in my closet and literally climbing the walls. Ugh. Due to my sleepless night, I really wanted something comfy to wear today and this borrowed oxford shirt from Chris is just the thing. The shirt's pretty beat and actually stained up quite a bit, but it's been washed a million times and has that super softness that's the best. It makes the perfect impromptu wrap shirt. So, how was your weekend?
Mine was....
...Unbelievably wet and rainy! On Friday I travelled to the Cape to visit family and celebrate my cousin's induction into Mass Maritime Academy as a Cadet. Friday night we drove to the school to watch the marching competitions- can you see the intense rain?- where each company competed against each other. The next day we all got up early and went back to MMA to watch their graduation from Orientation. It's pretty amazing- and also a little eerie- to watch 350 people march in unison. MMA's Orientation is much different than your typical college's orientation, it's run more similarly to a boot camp, so it's pretty exciting to be inducted as a cadet and officially be part of the school. After the ceremony we all travelled back to my grandparents house to dry off and eat tons of food. I wish the weather had been nicer but it was still really nice to spend time with family! Now I'm off to watch some Season 2 Gossip Girl (!!!) and clean my dirty messy house!How was your weekend?