Have you ever wanted to host a gallery show, only to be frustrated in not having a venue? Look no further than your own apartment! This past weekend, Chris and I co-curated with our friend Bea the second This Collective Pull art exhibition. On Monday I showed you the party side of the event, and today I show you all the preparation it took to pull this thing off! The three of us took about two months planning the event. We sent out a call to artists on Facebook (always handy for so many things) and set the date for August 22.
Then it was time to install! :
But we got it eventually:
We were finally able to step back and admire our work:
I'm pretty confident that everyone enjoyed themselves:
Cheese, Wine, etc:
It was really great to talk with all of the artists:
Our house is still not back to normal!
Our statement, if you're interested:
Beverly artists and curators Bea Modisett, Julie O’Boyle and Chris Sharp are happy to announce the launch of the second “This Collective Pull,” a one night only art exhibition, opening on August 22nd at 5:00 pm. Modisett, a 2007 graduate of Montserrat College of Art, conceptualized and initiated the first “This Collective Pull” last June, in an effort to unite local area artists. This initial exhibition spurred O’Boyle and Sharp to jump on board for the second incarnation which will feature the painting, photography, drawing and sculpture of Justin Bothwell, Peter Brefini, Steven Carvalho, David McCoy, Mary Bucci McCoy, Bea Modisett, Julie O’Boyle, Shawn Salinger, Chris Sharp, Sarah Smith, and Adria Sutter. These exhibitions are hung in alternative venues throughout the area in an effort to raise awareness of, and create a stronger collaborative community within, the artists of the North Shore. The momentum of this second show has proven to be successful with the offer of two venues for the future installations of “This Collective Pull.”
I should also mention that the installation alone took about a week, the pictures make it seem faster. It wasn't.