Photos by Chris and I
Just a few photos from Thursday's race. I wish we had gotten more, but hey, it was early and SO COLD! Pittsburgh was looking especially beautiful though, with the sun streaming between the downtown buildings. To tell you the truth I was more nervous for this race than the Color Me Rad 5k. In a way I saw that first one as a fluke, something that was fun and all, but something that I wouldn't be able to do again. It's a big deal to me to be able to run in the first place, let alone any kind of distance, so it was a nice surprise to not only feel great while running this particular race, but actually beat my previous time. So, no Gobble Hobble here (which is what we joked about it being, in the weeks leading up to it).
While I was busy running- and maybe wheezing
just a little- Chris busied himself by drinking copious amounts of coffee and
stalking watching a couple of bulldogs (this man has puppy-fever). After I finished, we headed home for a day of food and relaxation, talking to our families on the phone, watching movies, and finished everything up with an after-dinner walk. I'm starting to really love Thanksgiving!
Did you do any shopping for Black Friday? We both had to work, so no shopping for us. The rest of the weekend was spent getting caught up on personal projects and spending some time kicking around the city. And it snowed! Oh, it's so wonderful waking up to SNOW.
Did you have a nice holiday?